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Fumihiko Nakamura——Professor

B210, 2F Building 24, School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Tianjin University
School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Group weblink
Education Experience
1990-1993 Ph. D. Animal Science Tohoku University, Japan
1994-1995 Postdoctoral Cell Biology Stanford University
Professional Experience
1995-2000 Associate Professor Tohoku University
2001-2005 Research Fellow Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School
2006-2008 Instructor Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School
2008-2016 Assistant Professor Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School
2016- Professor Tianjin University
Research Area

The Nakamura group focuses on the regulation of the cellular actin cytoskeleton and in particular on the molecular mechanisms of chemical and mechanical signal transduction (mechanotransduction), a conversion of mechanical forces into cellular biochemical signals. Mechanotransduction is essential for many physiological processes in diverse organisms during development and maintenance of all tissues. Defects in mechanotransduction, often caused by mutations or deregulation of proteins that disturb cellular or extracellular mechanics, are implicated in the development of various diseases, ranging from muscular dystrophies and hypertension-induced vascular and cardiac hypertrophy to cancer progression and metastasis. Despite its importance, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of mechanotransduction. The group uses a wide range of techniques including proteomics, microscopy, molecular biology, and cell biology, and appreciate collaboration with expertises in structural biology, mechanical engineering, single molecular analysis, computer simulation, and drug design.

Lab intruduction figure for website.jpg

Honors and Awards
Japan society for the promotion of science for Japanese junior scientists
Nissan Science Foundation, Japan
Kurita Water and Environment Foundation, Japan
Naito Foundation, Japan
The HUSEC grant for an interdisciplinary seed proposal project, Harvard University, USA
Highlighted Publications
Mao, Z., and *Nakamura, F. Structure and Function of Filamin C in the Muscle Z-Disc, Int J Mol Sci, 2020; 21
Wang, J., *Nakamura, F. Identification of Filamin A Mechanobinding Partner II: Fimbacin Is a Novel Actin Cross-Linking and Filamin A Binding Protein, Biochemistry, 2019, 10.1021/acs.biochem.9b00101
Wang, L., *Nakamura, F. Identification of Filamin A Mechanobinding Partner I: Smoothelin Specifically Interacts with the Filamin A Mechanosensitive Domain 21, Biochemistry, 2019, 10.1021/acs.biochem.9b00100
*Nakamura, F. Mechanotransduction in blood cells. Asia-Pacific Journal of Blood Types and Genes, 2017;1(1):1-9
*Nakamura F, Song M, Hartwig JH, Stossel TP. Documentation and localization of force-mediated filamin A domain perturbations in moving cells. Nat Commun. 2014;5:4656 PMID 25120197, PMC 4139033
*Nakamura F. FilGAP and its close relatives: a mediator of Rho-Rac antagonism that regulates cell morphology and migration. Biochem J. 2013;453(1):17-25 PMID 23763313
Ehrlicher AJ, *Nakamura F (co-first and corresponding author), Hartwig JH, Weitz DA, Stossel TP. Mechanical strain in actin networks regulates FilGAP and integrin binding to filamin A. Nature. 2011 PMID 21926999
Playford MP, Nurminen E, Pentikainen OT, Milgram SL, Hartwig JH, Stossel TP, *Nakamura F. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator interacts with multiple immunoglobulin domains of filamin A. J Biol Chem. 2010;285(22):17156-65 PMID 20351098, PMC 2878090
*Nakamura F, Osborn TM, Hartemink CA, Hartwig JH, Stossel TP. Structural basis of filamin A functions. J Cell Biol. 2007;179(5):1011-25 PMID 18056414
Nakamura F, Pudas R, Heikkinen O, Permi P, Kilpelainen I, Munday AD, Hartwig JH, Stossel TP, Ylanne J. The structure of the GPIb-filamin A complex. Blood. 2006;107(5):1925-32 PMID 16293600
Hishiya A, Ohnishi M, Tamura S, *Nakamura F. Protein phosphatase 2C inactivates F-actin binding of human platelet Moesin. J Biol Chem. 1999;274(38):26705-12
Nakamura F, Huang L, Pestonjamasp K, Luna EJ, Furthmayr H. Regulation of F-actin binding to platelet moesin In vitro by both phosphorylation of threonine 558 and polyphosphatidylinositides. Mol Biol Cell. 1999;10(8):2669-85
ResearcherID Publications
Year Title Author(s) Source Volume
1995 Phosphorylation of threonine 558 in the carboxyl-terminal actin-binding domain of moesin by thrombin activation of human platelets. Nakamura, F; Amieva, M R; Furthmayr, H The Journal of biological chemistry 270
1994 Analysis of aldosine, an amino acid derived from aldol crosslink of elastin and collagen by high-performance liquid chromatography. Nakamura, F; Suyama, K Analytical biochemistry 223
1993 The preparation of cytosine and 5 methylcytosine from bovine and porcine lung Yamazaki, K.; Fukazawa, Y.; Nakamura, F.; et al. Animal Science and Technology 64
1992 Isolation and structural characterization of a new crosslinking amino acid, cyclopentenosine, from the acid hydrolysate of elastin. Nakamura, F; Yamazaki, K; Suyama, K Biochemical and biophysical research communications 186
1992 Two fluorescent crosslinking amino acids having N-substituted dihydrooxopyridine skeleton isolated from bovine elastin Suyama, K.; Nakamura, F. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2
1991 Aldosine: an acid hydrolysis product from the aldol cross-link of bovine elastin and collagen Suyama, K.; Nakamura, F. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 55
1991 Isolation and structural identification of a new cross-linking amino acid allodesmosine from the acid hydrolysate of elastin Nakamura, F.; Suyama, K. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 55
1991 Silica gel high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of cross-links in elastin. Nakamura, F; Suyama, K Journal of chromatographic science 29
1991 The preparation procedure of crosslinking amino acids containing quaternary pyridinium skeleton from bovine ligamentum nuchae aorta and lung Nakamura, F.; Suyama, K. Animal Science and Technology 62