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Haitao Yang——Professor

School of Life Sciences Tianjin University 92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin 300072, P.R.China
School of Life Sciences
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Education Experience
2001-2006 Ph. D. Tsinghua University
Professional Experience
2006-2011 Postdoc Yale University
2011-2013 Associate Research Scientist Yale University
2013- Professor Tianjin University
Research Area

Viruses are significant pathogens involved in human diseases throughout human history. Many of these virus-related human diseases have zoonotic origins, such as AIDS, bird flu, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). We focus on the essential stages of the viral life cycle: cellular entry, replication and transcription of the viral genome, and virion assembly and release to identify the pivotal targets for drug development. 

To study the underlying mechanisms of interplay between viruses and their hosts will also help reveal new drug targets. Innate host immunity is the first line of defense against pathogen infection, playing a critical role in host resistance to pathogenic microorganisms. Interestingly, the viruses have evolved a variety of strategies to antagonize host restriction and escape the innate immune response. The interaction between host antiviral proteins and viral antagonizing proteins constitutes a dynamic and sophisticated network. Thus, strategies that boost the roles of host restriction while diminishing viral antagonism may lead to new therapies against viral infection.

Honors and Awards
1000 Talent Awardee (Young Scientist)
2. Zihe Rao, Haitao Yang, Yinghua Jin, Xiaoyu Xue, Kailin Yang. EXPRESSION VECTOR BASED ON CORONAVIRUS PROTEOLYTIC CLEAVAGE AND ITS APPLICATION. Chinese patent, application number CN200510063088.2.
1. Zihe Rao, Haitao Yang, Xiaoyu Xue, Kailin Yang, Mark Bartlam, Dawei Ma, Weiqing Xie. SMALL-MOLECULE INHIBITORS OF CORONAVIRAL MAIN PROTEASE, THEIR PREPARATION AND USE. Chinese application number: 200410087721.7; Chinese granted number: CN 100363346C; international application number: PCT/CN2005/001748.
Highlighted Publications
5. Yang H#, Yang M#, Ding Y#, Liu Y, Lou Z, Zhou Z, Sun L, Mo L, Ye S, Pang H, et al.: The crystal structures of severe acute respiratory syndrome virus main protease and its complex with an inhibitor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2003, 100:13190-13195.(#These authors contributed equally to this work)
4. Yang H, Xie W, Xue X, Yang K, Ma J, Liang W, Zhao Q, Zhou Z, Pei D, Ziebuhr J, et al.: Design of Wide-Spectrum Inhibitors Targeting Coronavirus Main Proteases. PLoS Biol 2005, 3:e324.
3. Yang H#, Wang J#, Jia X, McNatt M., Zang T, Pan B, Meng W, Wang W, Bieniasz P and Xiong Y: Structural Insight into the Mechanisms of Enveloped Virus Tethering by Tetherin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010, 107: 18428–18432. (#These authors contributed equally to this work)
2. Yang H#, Ji X#, Zhao G, Ning J, Zhao Q, Aiken C,. Gronenborn AM, Zhang P, Xiong Y: Structural Insight into HIV-1 Capsid Recognition by Rhesus TRIM5α. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A2012, 109:18372-18377. (#These authors contributed equally to this work)
1. Ji X, Wu Y, Yan J, Mehrens J, Yang H, Delucia M, Hao C, Gronenborn AM, Skowronski J, Ahn J, Xiong Y:Mechanism of allosteric activation of SAMHD1 by dGTP. Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 2013,20:1304-1309.
ResearcherID Publications
Year Title Author(s) Source Volume
2012 Structural basis of evasion of cellular adaptive immunity by HIV-1 Nef Jia, X. F.; Singh, R.; Homann, S.; et al. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 19
2012 Structural insight into HIV-1 capsid recognition by rhesus TRIM5 alpha Yang, Haitao; Ji, Xiaoyun; Zhao, Gongpu; et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109
2010 Structural insight into the mechanisms of enveloped virus tethering by tetherin Yang, Haitao; Wang, Jimin; Jia, Xiaofei; et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107
2008 Structures of two coronavirus main proteases: Implications for substrate binding and antiviral drug design Xue, X. Y.; Yu, H. W.; Yang, H. T.; et al. Journal of Virology 82
2007 Production of authentic SARS-CoV M-pro with enhanced activity: Application as a novel tag-cleavage endopeptidase for protein overproduction Xue, X. Y.; Yang, H. T.; Shen, W.; et al. Journal of Molecular Biology 366
2006 Dodecamer structure of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nonstructural protein nsp10 Su, D.; Lou, Z. Y.; Sun, F.; et al. Journal of Virology 80
2006 Drug design targeting the main protease, the Achilles’ heel of coronaviruses Yang, H. T.; Bartlam, M.; Rao, Z. H. Current Pharmaceutical Design 12
2005 Design of wide-spectrum inhibitors targeting coronavirus main proteases Yang, H. T.; Xie, W. Q.; Xue, X. Y.; et al. Plos Biology 3
2005 Oligomerization study of NHR3 and NHR4 domains from ETO protein involved in t(8;21)-associated acute myeloid leukemia Wu, D. H.; Yang, H. T.; Xue, X. Y.; et al. Chinese Science Bulletin 50
2005 Structural insights into SARS coronavirus proteins Bartlam, M.; Yang, H. T.; Rao, Z. H. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 15
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