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92 Weijin Road, Nankai District Tianjin,300072. P. R. China
School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
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Education Experience
2014-2018 Ph. D. Ph. in Science Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos
2007-2009 M.S. Master in Science Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
2002-2007 B.Sc. Chemist Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico
Professional Experience
2018-2019 Analitycal biochemist Laboratorio Silanes
2018-2018 Math's teacher (Secondary and High School) Instituto Metepec
2017-2017 Science's teacher (High School) Universidad del Valle de Mexico
2012-2013 Chemistry's teacher (Secondary School) Escuela Secundaria y Preparatoria Justo Sierra
2012-2013 Science's teacher (Secondary and High School) Instituto Kepler
2012-2013 Science's teacher (Secondary and High School) Instituto Kepler
2009-2011 Research assistant Tereftalatos Mexicanos
Research Area

Extractions, purification and biological characterization of sea anemone's native toxins.

Recombinant techniques of peptides and peptide synthesis.

Structural elucidation of peptides by NMR.

Honors and Awards
CONACyT (National Council of Science and Technology)- exchange to academic scholarship, 2016- 2017.
CONACyT (National Council of Science and Technology)- academic scholarship, 2014- 2018.
CONACyT (National Council of Science and Technology)-academic scholarship, 2007-2009.
Thesis post grade award, COMECyT (Mexiquense Council of Scicen and Tecnology)- 2009.
Program to encourage graduation of graduate students, UNAM 2009.
Highlighted Publications
Punnepalli Sunanda; Bankala Krishnarjuna; Steve Peigneur; Michela L. Mitchell; Rosendo Estrada; Jessica Villegas‐Moreno; Michael W. Pennington; Jan Tytgat; Raymond S. Norton (2018). Identification, chemical synthesis, structure, and function of a new KV1 channel blocking peptide from Oulactis sp. Peptide Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/pep2.24073.
Bankala Krishnarjuna; Jessica Villegas-Moreno; Michela L Mitchell; Agota Csoti; Steve Peigneur; Carlos Amero; Michael W Pennington; Jan Tytgat; Gyorgy Panyi; Raymond S Norton(2018). Synthesis, folding, structure and activity of predicted peptide from the sea anemone Oulactis sp. with an ShKT fold. TOXICON 150: Aug 2018. pp. 50-59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxicon.2018.05.00
ResearcherID Publications
Year Title Author(s) Source Volume