The areas of my expertise are the study of mechanism, reactivity and selectivity of reactions in gas phase and in solutions by applying unimolecular and bimolecular reaction theories (TST, RRKM etc.); molecular dynamics, gas-phase kinetics, Quantum Chemistry, modeling solvent effects, description of molecular interactions, Organic synthesis, biomolecular simulations (protein engineering), and the study of molecular structure, NMR, Vibrational, UV-Vis molecular spectroscopy and charge transfer properties of organic compounds and complexes. I have got a hands-on experience in the use of Gaussian, MOPAC, TURBOMOLE, COLUMBUS, ADF, Spartan, HyperChem, Rosetta, VMD, Chimera, GaussView, ChemCraft and other software packages.
Current Research Projects
· Quantum Chemical methods for docking simulations of Cholera toxin: towards developing new inhibitors.
· Defects in π-conjugated polyradical circum-coronenes by spin-flip calculations.
· Engineering of proteins and biomimetics with potential in diagnostic and vaccine for HIV−1 and ZIKV.
· Optical and electronic properties of Lanthanum doped SnO2-TiO2 nanoparticles.
· Design of organocatalysts, axillary chiral agents and blocking species to the nitro group.
· Modeling the solvent effects on the mechanism, reactivity and selectivity of methylation of nitronates [R1R2CNO2]− reactions.
· Direct dynamics of the [R1R2CNO2]– + CH3I reactions using Specific Reaction Parameterization (SRP) approach: Parameterization of semiempirical RM1 method.
· Reconciling theory and experiment regarding the reaction mechanism of nucleophilic displacements with dimethyl sulfite in the gasphase.
· Unusual electronic spectra of constrained hydrocarbons containing (quasi)planar tretracoordinated carbon.