Education Experience
2010-2013 |
Ph. D. Natural Products Chemistry |
The University of Newcastle, Australia |
2004-2009 |
B.Sc. Marine Biology |
Autonomous University of South Baja California |
Professional Experience
2014-2014 |
Postdoc |
University of Hawaii at Hilo
Research Area
Natural Products Chemistry is the science that studies the secondary metabolites present in living organisms and their possible use in different fields, mostly in pharmaceutic as a new drugs. In the last 3 decades 53% of the compounds developed as new medicines are related to natural products as lead compounds, as a starting material for semi-synthetic drugs or as inspiration for the synthesis of natural product mimics. We focus our research in microbial natural products, which are an excellent source of new biologically active compounds. The starting point of the research is the collection of microorganism samples following the culture of the microorganisms, isolation of pure microbial strains, identification, extraction and biological testing of such. Biological active extracts are further more analyzed using GC-MS and LC-MS and compared with data bases as to concentrate efforts to the identification and isolation of new active compounds. Once active compounds have isolated, modification of the culture media and growing conditions of the microorganisms is done as to increase or decrease production of metabolites or even initiate the biosynthesis of others compounds that could present interesting biological activities.
Honors and Awards
Bcs Marine Biology, First class Honours
PhD international Schoolarship, CONACYT |
Highlighted Publications
Diana Zaleta-Pinet, Adam McCluskey, Sharron Hall, Joseph Brophy, Chris Ashhurst-Smith, Jennette Sakoff & Ian van Altena. 2016. The Use of the Toxic Plant Myoporum montanum in a Traditional Australian Aboriginal Medicine. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 69: 161-168. |
Zaleta Pinet, D.A., I.P. Holland, M. Muñoz Ochoa, J.I. Murillo-Álvarez, J.A. Sakoff, I.A. van Altena & A. McCluskey. 2014. Cytotoxic compounds from Laurencia pacifica. Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 4(8): 1-7. |
ResearcherID Publications
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