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Jinhai Huang——Associate Professor

Room 206, Building 15, Tianjin University
School of Life Sciences
Group weblink
Education Experience
1989-1994 Bachelor of Science Veterinary Science Northwestern Agricultural & Forest University
1994-1997 M.S. Microbiology and Immunoology Northwestern Agricultural & Forest University
2001-2004 Ph. D. Molecular Virology & Immunology China Agricultural University
2011-2012 Postdoctoral Human genetics and immune disease Visting scholar in Minnesota University
Professional Experience
1997-1999 Assistance intern Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Science
1999-2002 Assistance researcher Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Science
2002-2004 Associated researcher Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Science
2004-2016 Associate professor Tianjin University
Research Area

l.Molecular mechanisms on pathogenesis and immunity of viruses and bacterial toxins.

2.The roles of cell-intrinsic restriction and recognition in innate immunity and inflammatory disease of viral infection.

3.Development the techniques for diagnosis and prevention of human and animal pathogenic microorganisms and their toxic products in food, water, and environment.

4.Functional genomics and engineering of resource microbes to promote human health.


Honors and Awards
2014: Individual advanced teaching and education award of Tianjin University.
2012: "Key technologies in modern pig breeding integrated demonstration and promotion", the third prize of Tianjin progress prize in scientific and collective technology by Tianjin government.
2011: “Research & development of a recombinant antibacterial peptide”, the first prize of Dongli District progress prize in scientific and collective technology by Dongli District government of Tianjin.
2012: "Noval estrus suppository used for cattle and goats”, the second Invention prize of Tianjin Binhai district of Tianjin.
2011: “Development of diagnosis kits in genotype identification and high-throughput detection in staphylococcal enterotoxin”, Tianjin scientific and technological achievements in 2011.
2001: “The pathogen isolation and vaccine development of main poultry infectious diseases in Tianjin region”. the second prize of Tianjin progress prize in scientific and collective technology by Tianjin government
2000:"The comprehensive prevention and control technology research——the heterologous cell inactivated vaccine and diagnostic kit for chicken infectious bursal disease",the first prize of Tianjin progress prize in scientific and collective technology by Shaanxi province government.
China/ ZL200620027281.0: A calf raising bed, 2006.10.25
China/ ZL200620027751.3: A device with light for dairy vagina detection, 2006.10.25
China/ ZL200620027282.5: A sponge pessary implant device used for goats, 2006.9
China/ ZL200620027159.3: A new lamb incubator, 2006.8.29
China/ ZL2006100894635: aGST-ELISA method to detect avian influenza virus antibodies. 2009.9
China/ZL200710064255.4: Gene chips for detection and genotyping of avian influenza viruses.2010.13
China/ZL2014: The real-time PCR method to differentiating variant porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus,2015.10
Highlighted Publications
Yi Li, Fengjuan Zhou, Xia Li, Jianhua Wang, Xiangping Zhao,Jinhai Huang*, Development of TaqMan-based qPCR method for detection of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) infection. Archives of Virology, 2013, 158:2135-2141.
Jia Chen, Xianzhi He, Jinhai Huang*, Diet effects in gut microbiome and obesity, Journal of Food Science. 2014,Vol 79(4):442–451.
Jianming Wu, Rui Lin, Jinhai Huang, Weihua Guan, William S. Oetting, P. Sriramarao, Malcolm N. Blumenthal, Functional Fcgamma Receptor Polymorphisms Are Associated with Human Allergy. PLoS ONE, 2014,Vol 9(2): e89196.
Xianzhi He, Lei Zhang, Pengchong Liu, Li Liu, Hu Deng,Jinhai Huang*, Construction and Characterization of VL-VH Tail-parallel Genetically Engineered Antibodies against Staphylococcal Enterotoxins. Immunologic Research.2015, 61(3): 281-293.
Hongzhi Kang, Hui Deng, Menglu Shen, Xianzhi He, Yi Li,Yihe xia, Hongjun Wang, Zhixuan Liang, Jinhai Huang* Superantigenicity analysis of Staphylococcal Enterotoxins SElK and SElQ in a mouse model. RSC advances .2015.5, 29684–29692.
Qiangzhe Zhang, Caihong Zhang, Mengxu Gao, Mengmeng Liu, Yinghua Diao, Sagar M Goyal, Sunil K. Mor, Jinhai Huang*, Evolutionary, epidemiological, demographical, and geographical dissection of porcine bocavirus in China and America. Virus Research. 2015, 195:13-24.
ResearcherID Publications
Year Title Author(s) Source Volume
2008 Simultaneously subtyping of all influenza A viruses using DNA microarrays Han Xueqing; Lin Xiangmei; Liu Bohua; et al. Journal of Virological Methods 152
2011 Human FasL Gene Is a Target of beta-Catenin/T-Cell Factor Pathway and Complex FasL Haplotypes Alter Promoter Functions Wu, Jianming; Richards, Maureen H.; Huang, Jinhai; et al. Plos One 6
2012 Characterization of Immobilization of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin an Antibody on Microtube Xu, Cong; Jiang, Junfeng; Liu, Tiegen; et al. Sensor Letters 10
2012 Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for rapid detection of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus proviral DNA Huang, Jinhai; Sun, Yuehui; Liu, Yebing; et al. Archives of Virology 157
2013 Development of TaqMan-based qPCR method for detection of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) infection Li, Yi; Zhou, Fengjuan; Li, Xia; et al. Archives of Virology 158
2013 A Novel Subgenotype of Torque teno Virus 1 (TTSuV1) in Slaughter Pigs in China Huang, Jinhai; Li, Yi; Liu, Mengmeng; et al. Food and Environmental Virology 5
2014 Functional Fcgamma Receptor Polymorphisms Are Associated with Human Allergy Wu, Jianming; Lin, Rui; Huang, Jinhai; et al. Plos One 9
2014 Detection and genetic analysis of porcine bocavirus in different swine herds in North Central China. Liu, Mengmeng; Li, Yi; Sun, Dong; et al. TheScientificWorldJournal 2014
2014 Diet Effects in Gut Microbiome and Obesity Chen, Jia; He, Xianzhi; Huang, Jinhai Journal of Food Science 79
2014 Detection and Genetic Analysis of Porcine Bocavirus in Different Swine Herds in North Central China Liu, Mengmeng; Li, Yi; Sun, Dong; et al. Scientific World Journal
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