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Matthias Bureik——Professor

Room 417-7, Building 24, Tianjin University
School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Group weblink
Education Experience
1994-1997 Ph. D. Medical Biochemistry UdS Medical School, Homburg, Germany
1997-2000 Postdoctoral Biochemistry Saarland University, Germany
1987-1994 Master of Science Chemistry Saarland University, Germany
Professional Experience
2001-2004 Senior Scientist (C1) Department of Biochemistry, Saarland University, Germany
2004-2008 Senior Scientist (C2) Department of Biochemistry, Saarland University, Germany
2008-2012 CEO PomBioTech GmbH, Germany
2012-2014 Lecturer & Senior Scientist Department of Biochemistry, Saarland University, Germany
Research Area

The research in the Bureik group encompasses two primary areas:

1) The study of human drug metabolizing enzymes and their use for organic synthesis.

A major goal in this project involves systematic testing of all variants of drug metabolizing cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs or P450s) and UDP glycosyltransferases (UGTs) identified in Chinese patients. This is expected to aid doctors in choosing the correct dosage for patients.

2) Investigation of human CYP4Z1 and exploitation of its activity for the treatment of breast cancer.

In this project, we have successfully identified CYP4Z1 to catalyze fatty acid in-chain hydroxylase and also ether cleavage. A primary aim is to search for compounds that can act as CYP4Z1-activated prodrugs and have potential for treatment of breast cancer.

Recently published work:

In cooperation with the group of Prof. Gerhard Wolber (Free University Berlin, Germany) we recently published a homology model of a UGT1A5 variant (UGT1A5*8) which shows that the cofactor UDP-GA is placed in a much more favorable geometry in UGT1A5*8 as compared to the wild-type, thus explaining its increased catalytical activity (Yang et al., 2018):

Figure 3 small.png

(A) Structural homology model for UGT1A5*8 with bound cofactor Uridine-diphosphoglucoronic acid (UDP-GA). The secondary structure ribbon is shown in grey. Helix Q is highlighted in blue. The cofactor (colored turquois) is situated in the catalytic cleft between the N-terminal (left) and C-terminal (right) domains. (B) Superposition of C-terminal domains of the UGT2B7 crystal structure (yellow) and UGT1A5*8 homology model (grey) with a root-mean square root of 2. 1 Å. (C) Cofactor protein interaction diagram for UGT1A5 and UDP-GA. The glucuronic acid moiety of UDP-GA is hold in place by electrostatic interaction with Arg174 and hydrogen bonding to Ser376 and Asp397. The uridine-diphosphate moiety forms hydrogen bonds to Ser307, Leu308, His373, His377 and Gly378. Blue double-headed arrow represents electrostatic interaction. Red arrows represent hydrogen bond acceptance and green arrow hydrogen bond donation.

Honors and Awards
2005 – German business magazine impulse: PomBioTech was named as one of the 25 most promising start-up companies in Germany. The award address was given by Wolfgang Clement, then German Federal Minister of Economics and Labour.
2011 – PomBioTech was selected as a finalist for Red Herring's Top 100 Europe award.
Nunna, V. & M. Bureik, Human auto-Antibodies against plasma-membrane bound CYP450 and uses thereof. 2017, DRN 2017033116292200DE.
Bureik, M., J.M. Naumann & C.-A. Dragan, Method for the production of Sweet Proteins. 2010, WO/2011/124463.
Bureik M., C.-A. Dragan & A. Dragan, Method of generating HCV-derived virus-like particles. 2009, WO/2011/042551.
Bureik M., T. Hakki & R. Bernhardt, Verwendung von Inhibitoren der Aldosteron-Synthase zur Behandlung von Hyperaldosteronismus und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. 2009, DE102009044375.
Zöllner, A. & M. Bureik, Methods for identifying potential CYP4 metabolites, inhibitors or prodrugs. 2008, WO/2010/040770.
Dragan, C.-A., D. Buchheit & M. Bureik, Drug metabolism. 2008, WO/2010/031875.
Hartmann, R.W., S. Ulmschneider, U. Muller-Vieira, M. Bureik & R. Bernhardt, Selektive Hemmstoffe der Aldosteronsynthase (CYP11B2) zur Behandlung der Herzinsuffizienz und Myokardfibrose. 2004, DE 102004035322.
Bernhardt, R., A. Bichet, M. Bureik & N. Lenz, Der "Bringer" - eine hocheffiziente Methode zur Erzeugung von Mutantenbibliotheken. 2002, DE 10260977.
Bureik, M. & R. Bernhardt, Produktion von Steroidhormonen durch rekombinante Spalthefen. 1998, DE 19826821.
Highlighted Publications
Fan, L., J.F. Joseph, P. Durairaj, M.K. Parr & M. Bureik (2019) Conversion of chenodeoxycholic acid to cholic acid by human CYP8B1. Biol Chem. in press
Cao, X., P. Durairaj, F. Yang & M. Bureik (2019) A Comprehensive Overview of Common Polymorphic Variants that Cause Missense Mutations in Human CYPs and UGTs. Biomed Pharmacother. 111: 983-992
Yang F, Machalz D, Wang S, Li Z, Wolber G, Bureik M (2018) A common polymorphic variant of UGT1A5 displays increased activity due to optimized cofactor binding. FEBS Lett 592: 1837-1846
Liu J, Chen L, Joseph JF, Nass A, Stoll A, de la Torre X, Botre F, Wolber G, Parr MK, Bureik M (2018) Combined chemical and biotechnological production of 20betaOH-NorDHCMT, a long-term metabolite of Oral-Turinabol (DHCMT). J Inorg Biochem 183: 165-171
Yan Q, Machalz D, Zollner A, Sorensen EJ, Wolber G, Bureik M (2017) Efficient substrate screening and inhibitor testing of human CYP4Z1 using permeabilized recombinant fission yeast. Biochem Pharmacol 146: 174-187
Liu L, Pathak JL, Zhu YQ, Bureik M (2017) Comparison of cytochrome P450 expression in four different human osteoblast models. Biol Chem 398: 1327-1334
Yang X, Hutter M, Goh WW, Bureik M (2017) CYP4Z1 - A Human Cytochrome P450 Enzyme that Might Hold the Key to Curing Breast Cancer. Curr Pharm Des 23: 2060-2064
Nunna V, Jalal N, Bureik M (2017) Anti-CYP4Z1 autoantibodies detected in breast cancer patients. Cell Mol Immunol 14, 572-574
ResearcherID Publications
Year Title Author(s) Source Volume
Expression system for functional UDP-glucuronosyl-transferase comprises recombinant Schizosaccharomyces pombe yeast cell populations, which are transformed with nucleic acid sequence encoding the transferase and/or UDP-glucose dehydrogenase BUCHHEIT D; BUREIK M; DRAGAN C
1997 p53 antibodies: call for quality. Nickels, A; Bureik, M; Montenarh, M; et al. International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer 73
1997 Human p53 restores DNA synthesis control in fission yeast. Bureik, M; Jungbluth, A; Drescher, R; et al. Biological chemistry 378
2000 An additional transcript of the cdc25C gene from A431 cells encodes a functional protein Bureik, M; Rief, N; Drescher, R; et al. International Journal of Oncology 17
2002 The human steroid hydroxylases CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 Bureik, M; Lisurek, M; Bernhardt, R Biological Chemistry 383
2002 Modulation of steroid hydroxylase activity in stably transfected V79MZH11B1 and V79MZH11B2 cells by PKC and PKD inhibitors Bureik, M; Zeeh, A; Bernhardt, R Endocrine Research 28
2002 Functional expression of human mitochondrial CYP11B2 in fission yeast and identification of a new internal electron transfer protein, etp1 Bureik, M; Schiffler, B; Hiraoka, Y; et al. Biochemistry 41
2004 The adrenodoxin-like ferredoxin of Schizosaccharomyces pombe mitochondria Schiffler, B; Bureik, M; Reinle, W; et al. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 98
2002 Development of a test system for inhibitors of human aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2): screening in fission yeast and evaluation of selectivity in V79 cells Ehmer, PB; Bureik, M; Bernhardt, R; et al. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 81
2004 The "bringer" strategy Bichet, A; Bureik, M; Lenz, N; et al. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 117