Home / Facilities / Molecular Science Center / QP 2010 SE, GC/MS Shimadzu, Japan
QP 2010 SE, GC/MS Shimadzu, Japan

Ø  Chinese Name: 温度可控旋光仪

Ø  Model: MCP200

Ø  Manufacture: Anton Paar

Ø  Acquisition Date: May 13th, 2015

Ø  Acquisition Price: 162,000.00 RMB

Ø  Locate: Room 501, Building No. 24, TJU

Ø  Specification:

      uTemperature range: ±89.9 °C

      uResolution: 0.001 °/0.0001 ° (optional)

      uAccuracy: ±0.002 ° (most precise measuring mode)

                        ±0.005 ° (fast measuring mode)

      uRepeatability: ±0.002 °

      uLight source: LED

      uTemperature range: 10 °C to 45 °C

      uPower consumption: 100 VA

Ø  Applications:

uBy measuring the optical rotation of liquids, the concentration or specific rotation of optically active substances can be determined. It may correct enantiomer separation and required purity of materials. Determining the specific rotation is also part of the characterization of new optically active substances.