Youxin Li——Associate Professor |
Room C412-8, Building 24, Tianjin University
School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
2007-2010 | Ph. D. | Tianjin University, CN |
2010- | Associate Professor | Tianjin University. |
2017-2018 | Visting scholar | Purdue University |
李优鑫,天津大学药学院第三届青年教师讲课大赛,一等奖,2012.4 |
包建民,马志爽,宋文青,孙莹,李优鑫*,“新型复合固相萃取柱-紫外法快速检测牛奶中三聚氰胺”一等论文并编入“2012中国食品与农产品质量安全检测技术应用国际论坛暨展览会”论文集,北京,2012.5.22. |
李优鑫,天津大学“第九届青年教师讲课大赛”三等奖,2012.6 |
Youxin Li, Third annual SLAS Conference and Exhibition (SLAS2014), San Diego, CA, USA, 2014, January 18-22th, Tony B. Academic Travel Award. |
李优鑫,第十届全国生物医药色谱及相关学术交流会,2014.4.19-22,山东•威海,优秀报告奖 |
李优鑫,天津市第十三届青年教师教学基本功竞赛校内选拔赛,理科组,三等奖,2016.6 |
6. 张勇,包建民,李优鑫,肖红亭,付霞,毛细管电泳速差模式测定化合物对映体过剩值的装置,发明专利,专利号:201410442755.7,授权日:2016.9.7 |
5. 李优鑫,包建民,宝贵荣,一种测定血浆中游离化合物浓度、logD和化合物蛋白结合率的方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201510017619.8,授权日:2016.8.24 |
4. 李优鑫,包建民,赵璐萌,一种新型大通道电泳微芯片,发明专利,专利号:ZL201410355409.5,授权日:2016.8.24 |
3. 包建民,续竞生,马志爽,张元津,李优鑫,一种样品制备仪,发明专利,专利号:201310050581.5,授权日:2015.10.14 |
2. 包建民,李优鑫,贾菲菲,梁清刚,环糊精聚合物手性拆分剂的合成及应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL201210430431.2,授权日:2014.10.1 |
1. 包建民,周正昌,李优鑫,带有磁力搅拌功能可控温型微反应器的自动进样托盘,发明专利,专利号:201210101275.5,授权日:2013.8.14 |
11. Futing Li, and Youxin Li*, Preparation of efficient and environment-friendly silica-supported EDTA platinum catalyst and its applications in hydrosilylation of olefins and methyldichlorosilane, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016, 420: 254-263. |
10. Yanfei Qi, Youxin Li*, and James J. Bao, Development of a capillary electrophoresis method for analyzing adenosine deaminase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase and its application in inhibitor screening, Analytical Biochemistry, 2016, 506: 31-44. |
9.James J. Bao, Feifei Jia, Youxin Li*, Qinggang Liang, and Yan Wang, Synthesis and applications of sulfopropyl ether γ-cyclodextrin polymer as chiral selector in capillary electrophoresis, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 408(13): 3639-3649. |
8. Guanzhong Luo, Youxin Li*, and James J. Bao*, Development and application of a high-throughput sample cleanup process based on 96-well plate for simultaneous determination of 16 steroids in biological matrices using liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 408(4): 1137-1149. |
7. James J. Bao, Chaohui Sun, Youxin Li*, Ruijuan Yuan, Hui Xu, Guowen chen, and Shengyu Feng, A carbosilane dendrimer bonded silica as the stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography, Analytical Methods, 2015, 7(16): 6640-6646. |
6. James J. Bao, Xiaojing Liu, Yong Zhang, and Youxin Li*, The development of a high-throughput measurement method of octanol/water distribution coefficient based on hollow fiber membrane solvent microextraction technique, Journal of Chromatography B, 2014, 967(15): 183-189. |
5. Guirong Borijihan, Youxin Li*, Jianguo Gao, and James J. Bao*, Development of a novel 96-well format for liquid-liquid microextraction and its application in the HPLC analysis of biological samples, Journal of Separation Science, 2014, 37(9-10): 1155-1161. |
4. Bo Zhang, Youxin Li, Henan Gao, Juan Bian, and James J. Bao*, Rapid determination of protein binding constant by a pressure-mediated affinity capillary electrophoresis method, Electrophoresis, 2011, 32(24): 3589-3596. |
3. Youxin Li, Danning Liu, and James J. Bao*, Characterization of tyrosine kinase and screening enzyme inhibitor by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluoresce detector, Journal of Chromatography B, 2011, 879(1): 107-112. |
2. Youxin Li, Yongbo Dan, Xin Fang, and James J. Bao*, Preliminary studies of a novel multifunctional wide-bore electrophoresis system, Electrophoresis, 2010, 31(19): 3247-3255. |
1. Youxin Li, Xin Fang, Shibin Zhao, Tingting Zhai, Xiaochun Sun, and James Jianmin Bao*, Study on a novel two-dimensional HPLC and wide-bore electrophoresis system, Chemistry Letters, 2010, 39(9): 983-985. |