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Jay Siegel——

Room A203, Building 24, Tianjin University
School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Group weblink
Education Experience
1983-1985 Ph. D. Princeton University
-1985 Postdoctoral Chemistry UniversitéLouis
1980 Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Cal.St. Univ., Northridge
Professional Experience
1979-1980 014 Cal.St. Univ., Northridge
2015-2015 014 Princeton University
2015-2015 013 Université LouisPasteur
2015-2015 013 UC-SanDiego
2015-2015 012 UC-SanDiego
Research Area

The research in the group of Siegel encompasses molecular design, chemical synthesis, and structural analysis, which constitute the three principle components of modern stereochemistry. Robust transmission of structural and stereo-chemical information is fundamental to selective chemical processes such as (bio)molecular recognition, enantioselective reactions, and the assembly of designed materials. Beyond symmetry and molecular bonding, stereochemical investigations draw upon concepts from many disciplines and implement techniques such as synthetic methodology, X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and computational theory.  Research combines synthetic and physical organic chemistry with an eye toward issues of pharmaceutical, material, and life science.

Honors and Awards
Highlighted Publications
Stöckl, Q.; Bandera, D.; Kaplan, C. S.; Ernst, K.-H.; Siegel, J. S. Gear Meshed Tiling of Surfaces with Molecular Pentagonal Stars. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 606
Benz, S.; Nötzli, S.; Siegel, J. S.; Eberli, D.; Jessen, H. J. Controlled oxygen release from pyridine endoperoxides promotes cell survival under anoxic conditions. J. Med. Chem. 2013, 56, 10171.
Juríček, M.; Strutt, N. L.; Barnes, J. C.; Butterfield, A. M.; Dale, E. J.; Baldridge, K. K.; Stoddart, J. F.; Siegel, J. S. Induced-Fit Catalysis of Corannulene Bowl-to-Bowl Inversion. Nature Chem. 2013, 6, 222.
Mattarella, M.; Garcia-Hartjes, G.; Wennekes, T.; Zuilhof, H.; Siegel, J. S. Nanomolar cholera toxin inhibitors based on symmetrical pentavalent ganglioside GM1os-sym-corannulenes. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 4333.
Allemann, O.; Duttwyler, S.; Romanato, P.; Baldridge, K. K.; Siegel, J. S. Proton-Catalyzed, Silane-Fueled Friedel-Crafts Coupling of Fluoroarenes. Science 2011, 332, 574.
ResearcherID Publications
Year Title Author(s) Source Volume
2016 Pentaindenocorannulene: Properties, Assemblies, and C-60 Complex Lampart, Samuel; Roch, Loic M.; Dutta, Amit K.; et al. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 55
2016 Synthesis of a Five-Fold-Differentiated 1,3,5,7,9-Pentasubstituted Corannulene: A Maximal Labeling Problem in the Context of Corannulene Maag, Roman; Siegel, Jay S. Synlett 27
2016 Towards the molecular Borromean link with three unequal rings: double-threaded ruthenium(II) ring-in-ring complexes Veliks, Janis; Seifert, Helen M.; Frantz, Derik K.; et al. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 3
2016 Tunable Photochemical/Redox Properties of (Phenylthio)(n)corannulenes: Application to a Photovoltaic Device Steinauer, Angela; Butterfield, Anna M.; Linden, Anthony; et al. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 27
2015 50 years of physical organic chemistry Tor, Yitzhak; Siegel, Jay S. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 28
2015 Boronic esters of corannulene: potential building blocks toward icosahedral supramolecules Da Ros, Sara; Linden, Anthony; Baldridge, Kim K.; et al. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2
2015 Boronic esters of corannulene: potential building blocks toward icosahedral supramolecules (vol 2, pg 626, 2015) Da Ros, Sara; Linden, Anthony; Baldridge, Kim K.; et al. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2
2015 Extended Corannulenes: Aromatic Bowl/Sheet Hybridization Dutta, Amit K.; Linden, Anthony; Zoppi, Laura; et al. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 54
2015 Half a Century of the Burgenstock Conference: A Pilgrim’s Tale Siegel, Jay S. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 54
2015 Intramolecular C-H insertion vs. Friedel-Crafts coupling induced by silyl cation-promoted C-F activation Allemann, Oliver; Baldridge, Kim K.; Siegel, Jay S. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2