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Jian Sun ——Associate Professor

Room A302, Building 24, Tianjin University
School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Group weblink
Education Experience
2006 Ph. D. Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing, Chi
Professional Experience
2002-2015 Associate Professor Tianjin University
1999-2002 Research associate City College, City University of New York (CUNY)
1994-1999 Research assistant, Hunter Colllege, CUNY
1989-1991 Assistant Professor Capital Institute of Medicine (Beijing, China)
Research Area

The research in the group of Sun involves investigation of B cell development and B cell related diseases. In recent years, immunotherapies with antibodies to depleting B cells are widely used in autoimmune diseases and B cell lymphoma. The strategy in this group is to design cytokine antagonist peptides using computer-aided design, fuse the peptides with human IgG Fc to form peptibodies by gene engineering, and analyze their activity in vitro and in vivo. Several peptibodies inhibiting B lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS), a critical factor for B cell maturation and survival, are currently tested in cell culture and SLE animal models in this lab. Because overexpression of BLyS is involved in pathogenesis and development of autoimmune diseases and B cell malignances, the BLyS antagonists designed and analyzed may be potential therapeutic reagents for these diseases.



Honors and Awards
1. 2015 Tianjin best advisor for PSIP (Project of Student Innovation and Practice)
1. Patent number专利申请号:201410158687.1;Patent name名称:BLyS拮抗肽、含TC-Fc融合蛋白基因的质粒及TC-Fc融合蛋白;Type类别:invention patent 发明 First inventor第一发明人:Sun jian 孙剑
Highlighted Publications
Zhu W, Sun X, Zhu L, Gan Y, Baiwu R, Wei J, Li Z, Li R, Sun J*. A Novel BLyS Peptibody Down-Regulates B Cell and T Helper Cell Subsets In Vivo and Ameliorates Collagen-Induced Arthritis. Inflammation. 2016 Feb 10. [Epub ahead of print]
Hao X, Zhu Y, Zheng C, Fu X, Feng J, Shen B, Wei J, Sun J*. A Comparison of Biological Activity of B Lymphocyte Stimulator (BLyS) Antagonist Peptibodies and the Elucidation of Possible BLyS Binding Sites. Protein Pept Lett. Protein Pept Lett. 2016;23(1):17-23.
Zhao Y, Hao X, Feng J, Shen B, Wei J, Sun J*. The comparison of BLyS-binding peptides from phage display library and computer-aided design on BLyS-TACI interaction. Int Immunopharmacol. 2015 Feb;24(2):219-23.
Tian, Y.; Zhu, Y. F.; Wu, Z.; Feng, J. N.; Li, Y.; Shen, B. F.; Sun, J. An optimized B lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS) antagonist peptide inhibits the interaction of BLyS with BCMA. Biotechnol. Lett. 2013, 35, 523.
Sun, J.; Lin, Z.; Feng, J. ; Li, Y.; Shen, B. BAFF-targeting therapy, a promising strategy for treating autoimmune diseases.Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2008, 597, 1.
Sun. J.; Lin, Z.; Feng, J.; Li, Y.; Shen, B. B lymphocyte stimulator, a new target for treating B cell malignancies. Chin. Med. J. 2008, 121, 1319.
Sun, J.; Li, Y.; Yu, M.; Sun, Y.; Feng, J.; Shen, B. Analysis of an anti-B lymphocyte stimulator monoclonal antibody b7 and its binding activity to myeloma and lymphoma cell lines. Hybridoma 2006, 25, 238.
Sun, J.; Feng, J,; Li, Y.; Shen, B. A novel BLyS antagonist peptide designed based on the 3-D complex structure of BCMA and BLyS. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006, 346, 1158.
ResearcherID Publications
Year Title Author(s) Source Volume
2006 Preparation and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against human B lymphocyte stimulator Sun, J; Li, Y; Sun, YX; et al. Hybridoma 25
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